Blog Archives

New Year’s Resolution – 100 days gone

Firstly, let’s start with a question. How many people have not broken their New Years resolutions for this year? Chances are that within such a large readership of mine, this will be a small number. That is because most people don’t have much staying power or commitment. Not Me. Happily I can confirm that my New Year’s resolution is still undefeated and getting stronger by the day (smell that is). For those new to this blog, my goal for 2010 is to wear the same pair of underwear for 365 days in a row. Tomorrow, the 10th April, is the 100 day of the year and therefore the 100th day I have worn the same pair of underwear.

I must admit that things have not been as easy as you may think. On day three, I lost one of the buttons on the front and then it accidental fell down the plug hole after a poor effort from me sewing it back on. If you click on the link above you will see that there are two buttons on the front. The second one is hanging on by a single tread. Fortunately they are just ornamental buttons and serve no function. Apart from this small mishap the only other problem has been the heat. Lets me honest, boxes in the summer can be sticky, sweaty affairs. Unfortunately, both in the BOP and my nether regions it has been a particularly hot summer and there were a couple of days when I had to go commando just to give my ‘lads’ an afternoon rest. Those days are thankfully passed and with daylight savings, cooler temperatures and winter approaching, the last month have been particularly comfortable. Although I am a little worried about the depths of winter. Will I get too cold???

In reflection the last 100 days have been a real learning curve for me. I have learnt that in order to pull off a goal of this magnitude you have to be organised. In fact organisation is the key to a stunt of this kind. Every evening, I have been washing my boxes and hanging them on the shower door. Miss a couple of evenings for what ever reason and you get behind and end up having to wear your boxes for a few days without a wash. Not the end of the world but certainly not pleasant. I have also learnt that life is so much simpler with one pair of undies. Holidays, weekends away are easy to pack for and the room I now have in my undie drawer has been a welcome relief. Perhaps next year it could be one pair of undies, one shirt and one pair of shorts.

Let’s hope the next 100 days go this well.

New Year's Resolution – 100 days gone

Firstly, let’s start with a question. How many people have not broken their New Years resolutions for this year? Chances are that within such a large readership of mine, this will be a small number. That is because most people don’t have much staying power or commitment. Not Me. Happily I can confirm that my New Year’s resolution is still undefeated and getting stronger by the day (smell that is). For those new to this blog, my goal for 2010 is to wear the same pair of underwear for 365 days in a row. Tomorrow, the 10th April, is the 100 day of the year and therefore the 100th day I have worn the same pair of underwear.

I must admit that things have not been as easy as you may think. On day three, I lost one of the buttons on the front and then it accidental fell down the plug hole after a poor effort from me sewing it back on. If you click on the link above you will see that there are two buttons on the front. The second one is hanging on by a single tread. Fortunately they are just ornamental buttons and serve no function. Apart from this small mishap the only other problem has been the heat. Lets me honest, boxes in the summer can be sticky, sweaty affairs. Unfortunately, both in the BOP and my nether regions it has been a particularly hot summer and there were a couple of days when I had to go commando just to give my ‘lads’ an afternoon rest. Those days are thankfully passed and with daylight savings, cooler temperatures and winter approaching, the last month have been particularly comfortable. Although I am a little worried about the depths of winter. Will I get too cold???

In reflection the last 100 days have been a real learning curve for me. I have learnt that in order to pull off a goal of this magnitude you have to be organised. In fact organisation is the key to a stunt of this kind. Every evening, I have been washing my boxes and hanging them on the shower door. Miss a couple of evenings for what ever reason and you get behind and end up having to wear your boxes for a few days without a wash. Not the end of the world but certainly not pleasant. I have also learnt that life is so much simpler with one pair of undies. Holidays, weekends away are easy to pack for and the room I now have in my undie drawer has been a welcome relief. Perhaps next year it could be one pair of undies, one shirt and one pair of shorts.

Let’s hope the next 100 days go this well.

New Year Resolution – Same undies for 365 days!!!

I have had a number of enquiries about my New Years Resolution for 2010. Yes, I did complete my 2009 goal of using the same Gillette Razor everyday for the entire year. Many people put forward some fantastic ideas and I would like to thank you all.  However, this being the start of a new decade I wanted something spectacular. While many ideas were valid, only one was bold enough for Ozy to take on and that is  to see if I can wear the same pair of underwear for an entire year. 

So yesterday, with a day to spare, I ventured into The Warehouse and had to make a big decision. Briefs or boxers was my first hurdle. Apparently President Clinton admitted on MTV he is a boxers man. Krammar on Seinfeld is a brief man- ” I need a secure package, my boys need a home”  he is reported to have said. I spent 20 minutes weighing up the pros and cons and in the end went with a pair of boxers. 

I did this for a number of reason. Airflow was a big issue. Boxers let you breathe a little which is important  in the summer months. Although things could get a little cold in winter that is something I will have to live with. Another reason was the fact they are quick drying. This will enable me to clean them every so often before I go to bed and then have them dry by morning. 

Once I had made my choice on boxers I then had to find a style that was suitable for a years worth of situations. Therefore, I wanted a design  that could be worn in a variety of places. Down at the soccer club, after the game, you don’t want to be jumping into a pair of love heart boxers. On the other hand if Mrs Mandias is in need of a little romance then I need something that will fit the occasion. After about an hour of searching and three shop assistants later I managed to find the last pair of a very special pair of boxers. At $14.99 I purchased them without delay. I have included a photo below and you can see they are both fashionably hip and practically focussed. For me the little bow tie at the front is what sets these boxers apart and ensure that if I am ever in the situation were a butler is needed I have a running head start. 

The perfect boxers but can they last the whole year.


Like any stunt of this nature I must warn any younger readers to not try this at home. I am a trained professional at this kind stupidity and also have an excellent medical team behind me. Both my brother and sister in-law are doctors and both have already indicted they would happily give me a free check ups on a need by need basis. Also my wife is a pharmacist so if I get a rash of any kind, a mild infection or anything of that nature she is always there. The way I look at things is that as humans we have put man on the moon therefore we should have a cream or lotion for any minor skins rash around the groin area. Thrush, especially in the summer months could be a problem, and will be something my wife and I will be monitoring closely. From my research my main problem in the winter will comfort. Boxers are known as hard to wear with long pants and the constant adjusting is something that may cause problems in a social setting. I have thought of a few ways to combat this and the best option is a t-shirt telling people of my challenge. Perhaps something like – don’t mind me… I’m just wearing the same undies for a year – could be a goer. 

I have had to put in a few stipulations for this challenge. I am someone who enjoys my running and triathlon and in those situations boxers are not suitable. Also I have just bought a sensational pair of pajamas and those will be on at night. At all other times I will have my trusty boxers on. So if you see me in the street feel free to come on over and check the boxers out. They are soft to touch and I will have my marker pen ready and you will have the opportunity to sign them.

New Year Resolution – Same undies for 365 days!!!

I have had a number of enquiries about my New Years Resolution for 2010. Yes, I did complete my 2009 goal of using the same Gillette Razor everyday for the entire year. Many people put forward some fantastic ideas and I would like to thank you all.  However, this being the start of a new decade I wanted something spectacular. While many ideas were valid, only one was bold enough for Ozy to take on and that is  to see if I can wear the same pair of underwear for an entire year. 

So yesterday, with a day to spare, I ventured into The Warehouse and had to make a big decision. Briefs or boxers was my first hurdle. Apparently President Clinton admitted on MTV he is a boxers man. Krammar on Seinfeld is a brief man- ” I need a secure package, my boys need a home”  he is reported to have said. I spent 20 minutes weighing up the pros and cons and in the end went with a pair of boxers. 

I did this for a number of reason. Airflow was a big issue. Boxers let you breathe a little which is important  in the summer months. Although things could get a little cold in winter that is something I will have to live with. Another reason was the fact they are quick drying. This will enable me to clean them every so often before I go to bed and then have them dry by morning. 

Once I had made my choice on boxers I then had to find a style that was suitable for a years worth of situations. Therefore, I wanted a design  that could be worn in a variety of places. Down at the soccer club, after the game, you don’t want to be jumping into a pair of love heart boxers. On the other hand if Mrs Mandias is in need of a little romance then I need something that will fit the occasion. After about an hour of searching and three shop assistants later I managed to find the last pair of a very special pair of boxers. At $14.99 I purchased them without delay. I have included a photo below and you can see they are both fashionably hip and practically focussed. For me the little bow tie at the front is what sets these boxers apart and ensure that if I am ever in the situation were a butler is needed I have a running head start. 

The perfect boxers but can they last the whole year.

Like any stunt of this nature I must warn any younger readers to not try this at home. I am a trained professional at this kind stupidity and also have an excellent medical team behind me. Both my brother and sister in-law are doctors and both have already indicted they would happily give me a free check ups on a need by need basis. Also my wife is a pharmacist so if I get a rash of any kind, a mild infection or anything of that nature she is always there. The way I look at things is that as humans we have put man on the moon therefore we should have a cream or lotion for any minor skins rash around the groin area. Thrush, especially in the summer months could be a problem, and will be something my wife and I will be monitoring closely. From my research my main problem in the winter will comfort. Boxers are known as hard to wear with long pants and the constant adjusting is something that may cause problems in a social setting. I have thought of a few ways to combat this and the best option is a t-shirt telling people of my challenge. Perhaps something like – don’t mind me… I’m just wearing the same undies for a year – could be a goer. 

I have had to put in a few stipulations for this challenge. I am someone who enjoys my running and triathlon and in those situations boxers are not suitable. Also I have just bought a sensational pair of pajamas and those will be on at night. At all other times I will have my trusty boxers on. So if you see me in the street feel free to come on over and check the boxers out. They are soft to touch and I will have my marker pen ready and you will have the opportunity to sign them.

New Years Resolutions – Ozy needs ideas

For some reason, perhaps it was my upbringing, but setting goals is an intricate part of my life. With this in mind it is no surprise that New Years resolutions are my speciality. I thrive on every aspect of this yearly process. Over the years my New Years resolutions have shaped Ozy into the man you see today.

Three years ago who thought it would be possible to eat 7 wheetbix for breakfast for every day of the entire year. Two years ago people couldn’t believe it was possible to wear the same item of clothing for an entire year, something which I proved with relative ease. As this year comes to an end I have used the same Gillette Razor everyday for an entire year.

Sadly, though I am a rare breed in this sphere of life. A large percentage of society shrug their shoulders at New Years and spend the time eating and drinking too much.  Another large group go to the opposite extreme and make huge plans, usually around the theme of diets and fitness, and have failed by the second Sunday in January. In my opinion these people fail to realise the potential of this time of year and ultimately they don’t take the opportunity that the beginning of a new year offers.

New Years should be seen as a chance to turn over a new page in your book of life. For those unfamiliar with reading New Years could then be seen as a chance to change the channel of your life. For those without a TV New Years could be a chance to turn over a new leaf. I think you get my drift!!!

Sadly though my yearly time of reflection has hit a dry patch and I am struggling on what could be a good New Years resolution for Ozy Mandias in 2010. Remember this is the start of a new decade so I want something special and memorable. Here is where you, a valued Ozymandias Warning reader, can help me. I would like to put forward this proposition. You can put forward your ideas for Ozy’s 2010 New Years challenge. To do this leave a comment below detailing the exact nature of Ozy’s challenge. I will look through the ideas and come up with a list of the challenges I think are the best and attempt them in 2010.

No idea is to bazaar in this competition so put on your thinking hat and put forward your idea. There is however one catch to every idea that you put forward. To keep things in perspective each person who nominates an idea must choose one of following two conditions on your challenge.

Firstly, you have to try to complete the challenge as well during 2010.

If you don’t like that option you can choose to provide a wager or incentive to assist me in my 2010 quest.