Guest Post – Libraries adding charges

This is the first ever guest post on Ozy Mandias Warning and it is from long time reader SAINT. Hope you enjoy.

As the city council is looking at putting charges for all items to be borrowed. My opinion that it is better for most books to be borrowed free of charge.
The reason for this is it allows people to borrow many books as they can. Reading Books helps people to improve their English and writing skills. People enjoy reading books and like to take them out of the library for reading and research reasons.

A library is a good place for people to borrow books, do research. It provides databases and provides good web pages. It is a better alternative to searching on the internet as the internet is open to everyone adding stuff. Most of the information on the internet is not trustworthy.
Librarians are able to give library related tutorials and basic computer training including how to make web pages.

Some people think of a librarian as a old lady with glasses who just issues and returns books.

An librarian does many tasks. The tasks that a librarian does is
– issue books
– return books
– assist patrons with their research
– buy books from publishers, bookstores
– mead material
– shelving
– plan a budget and decide which books to buy and which books to get rid out.
– give tutorials

There are lots of men and women of all ages working in the library.

A Library is a comfortable place for reading material e.g. books, newspapers and journals. it’s a place where you can research independently in areas that are likely to have trustworthy information. You can research family history, find interesting topics. Librarians train customers in how to use the library, give good search topics and look after the books.

Posted on March 27, 2010, in NEWS MAFIA and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. I agree saint – I don’t think there should be charges on borrowing library books. I take our two boys to the library every week and they love choosing books and dvds. I think it is really important for kids to have a love of reading and books. well written 🙂

  2. Great post Saint. You have raised some good points and valid reasons why there shouldn’t be charges on borrowing library books.

    Maybe we should take the example of good ol’ Ozy and just leave the library when they impose charges on us…Ozy definitely changes libraries more than he changes his undies!

  3. There’s very few things I feel like I get value for when required by the State to pay taxes. The Library is one of them. A great Christian tradition, making knowledge freely available to all that would learn. We must keep them free.

    Assemble the mobs. Time to riot in the streets.

  4. They want to charge people to read books, yet at the same time there’s trashy, uninformative TV beamed into our houses for free….
    Cost of money vs cost of stupidity, makes a riot seem reasonable

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